YaraVita Coptrac is a very concentrated flowable formulation with 5 times more copper than typical liquid chelates.

The product is much safer to use than sulphate based powders and not corrosive to machinery.

The fluid formulation makes it easy to measure, pour and mix the product in the spray tank, whilst giving the highest nutrient content.

The product is specifically formulated to provide maximum crop safety. This helps to ensure that application will not cause damage to the crop which can reduce it's market value.

A controlled particle size gives quick uptake and long lasting effect. This reduces the need for repeat applications saving both time and money.

A broad tankmixability makes it easy to co-apply the products with agrochemicals, saving both time and money. Just as important, free access to Tankmix information online or via smart phones makes it quick and easy to check whether products can be co-applied.


Acacia: 0.5-1.5 L/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water rate: 20 L/ha minimum.

Alfalfa / Lucerne

Lucerne: 150 to 350 mls/ha. For pasture: apply early in the season, after 1st cut. For seed production: apply at bud formation. Water rate: 50 to 200 L/ha.


Apricot: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.


Beans: 0.25 to 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat if necessary 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.

Brassica Vegetables

Brassicas: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha


Broccoli: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cabbage: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Carrot: 250-350 mL/ha. When sufficient leaf area to intercept spray. Water rate: 50-200 L/ha.


Celery: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cereals: 175-500 mL/ha. From 2 leaf stage to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 32). Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha.


Cherry: 250-500 mL/ha. At bud break/bud burst (before green cluster) and after harvest (before leaf fall). Water rate: 1000 L/ha. NB Do not apply to cherries at green cluster or flowering.


Chia: 0.25 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.

Chick peas

Chickpeas: 0.25 l/ha when crop is 10 to 15 cm tall. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Clover: 0.25 l/ha just after every cut. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Eucalyptus: 0.5 to 3 L/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water rate: 20 L/ha minimum.


Figs: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Conifers: 2 applications of 0.5 l/ha once there is new season leaf production and again in early autumn. Water rate: 500 l/ha to 1000 l/ha.


Garlic: 0.5 L/ha two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. Repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75-200 L/ha.

Grass (grazing)

Grass (Grazing): 0.5 l/ha as soon as growth commences in the spring. In the case of moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 14 day intervals. (Do not apply to grass for sheep). Water rate: 200 l/ha (30 l/ha for aerial application).

Groundnuts / peanuts

Groundnuts/Peanuts: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Leek: 0.5 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha minimum.


Lentil: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat the application 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Lettuce (field grown): 150 to 350 mL/ha. From 10 to 14 days after planting or emergence. Water rate: 200 L/ha.


Linseed: 0.5 l/ha when the crop is 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Lupin: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Macadamias: 250 to 500 mL/ha. October-November and March-April. Not during early budding/nut development. Water rate: 1000 L/ha.


Maize: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha. Soil Applied at 3 l/ha.


Mango: 0.5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum.


Nectarines: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.

Nursery Stock / Ornamentals

Nursery Stock/Ornamentals: 0.25 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid applications during flowering. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. Note: Do not apply within one month of picking / marketing. Water rate: 100 to 200 l/ha.

Nuts (Deciduous)

Nuts (deciduous): 0.5 l/ha at bud burst in spring. Repeat where deficiency exists in 21-28 day intervals. N.B. Do not apply during flowering. Also, 0.5 l/ha after harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively: 0.25 l/ha at bud break and 10 to 14 days later. N.B. Do not apply during flowering. Also, after harvest before leaf senesecnce. Water rate: 200 to 1000 l/ha.


Canola: 0.25 L/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 L/ha.


Olive: Spray at 1.25 to 2.5 L/ha. Two to three sprays per year between spring and end of autumn. To be applied when problem is apparent. 10 to 14 days between applications. Water rate: 1000 L/ha

Papaya / Paw Paw

Papaya / Paw Paw: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 200 to 600 l/ha.

Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit: 0.25 l/ha. Apply once, pre-flowering only. Water rate: 400 l/ha.


Peach: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.


Pears: 0.5 L/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 L/ha.


Peas: 0.25 L/ha when crop is 10 to 15 cm tall. Water rate: 200 L/ha.


Capsicums (Field Grown)): 0.5 l/ha 35 days after transplanting (4 to 6 leaf stage). Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Persimmons: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.


Pineapple: 0.5 l/ha applied pre-flowering. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum.


Plum: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.


poppy: One to three applications of 0.25 l/ha at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing once there is adequate leaf cover to intercept the spray, and continuing up to the start of flowering. Water rate: 20-200 l/ha.


Raspberry: 0.5 l/ha applied early in the season before the start of flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Rice: 0.5 l/ha applied at start of tillering. Water rate: 200 l/ha

Soil application

Soil Application: All crops: Up to 4 L/ha. Water rate: 50 L/ha minimum.


Sorghum: 0.5 L/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 30-200 L/ha.


Soya Bean: 0.1 litre per 10 litres water (to apply a maximum of 0.5 L/ha) 30 days after 100 % emergence. Where needed a second application at the same rate may be made pre-flowering. Water rate: 20-50 L/ha.


Strawberry (field grown): 0.5 l/ha applied early in the season before the start of flowering. Water rate: 200 to 400 l/ha.


Sugar Cane: 0.5L/ha applied when the cane is 30 - 120cm tall, repeat 10 - 14 days later. Water Rate: 150L/ha.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato: 0.5 l/ha one week after 100% emergence or transplanting. Also, apply at the same rate following recommendation from analysis. Water rate: 200 l/ha.

Amenity Turf

Turf: 0.5 L/ha as soon as growth commences in spring and/or following identification of need by analysis. Repeat sprays at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 L/ha.

Water Melon

Water Melon (Field Grown): 0.5 l/ha 35 days after emergence (4 to 6 leaf stage). Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Acacia: 0.5-1.5 L/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water rate: 20 L/ha minimum.

Alfalfa / Lucerne

Lucerne: 150 to 350 mls/ha. For pasture: apply early in the season, after 1st cut. For seed production: apply at bud formation. Water rate: 50 to 200 L/ha.


Apricot: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.


Beans: 0.25 to 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat if necessary 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.

Brassica Vegetables

Brassicas: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha


Broccoli: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cabbage: 0.5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Carrot: 250-350 mL/ha. When sufficient leaf area to intercept spray. Water rate: 50-200 L/ha.


Celery: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cereals: 175-500 mL/ha. From 2 leaf stage to second node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 32). Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha.


Cherry: 250-500 mL/ha. At bud break/bud burst (before green cluster) and after harvest (before leaf fall). Water rate: 1000 L/ha. NB Do not apply to cherries at green cluster or flowering.


Chia: 0.25 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.

Chick peas

Chickpeas: 0.25 l/ha when crop is 10 to 15 cm tall. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Clover: 0.25 l/ha just after every cut. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Eucalyptus: 0.5 to 3 L/ha applied during spring or autumn flush. Water rate: 20 L/ha minimum.


Figs: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Conifers: 2 applications of 0.5 l/ha once there is new season leaf production and again in early autumn. Water rate: 500 l/ha to 1000 l/ha.


Garlic: 0.5 L/ha two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. Repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75-200 L/ha.

Grass (grazing)

Grass (Grazing): 0.5 l/ha as soon as growth commences in the spring. In the case of moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 14 day intervals. (Do not apply to grass for sheep). Water rate: 200 l/ha (30 l/ha for aerial application).

Groundnuts / peanuts

Groundnuts/Peanuts: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Leek: 0.5 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha minimum.


Lentil: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat the application 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Lettuce (field grown): 150 to 350 mL/ha. From 10 to 14 days after planting or emergence. Water rate: 200 L/ha.


Linseed: 0.5 l/ha when the crop is 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Lupin: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Macadamias: 250 to 500 mL/ha. October-November and March-April. Not during early budding/nut development. Water rate: 1000 L/ha.


Maize: 0.5 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha. Soil Applied at 3 l/ha.


Mango: 0.5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum.


Nectarines: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.

Nursery Stock / Ornamentals

Nursery Stock/Ornamentals: 0.25 l/ha as soon as there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid applications during flowering. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. Note: Do not apply within one month of picking / marketing. Water rate: 100 to 200 l/ha.

Nuts (Deciduous)

Nuts (deciduous): 0.5 l/ha at bud burst in spring. Repeat where deficiency exists in 21-28 day intervals. N.B. Do not apply during flowering. Also, 0.5 l/ha after harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively: 0.25 l/ha at bud break and 10 to 14 days later. N.B. Do not apply during flowering. Also, after harvest before leaf senesecnce. Water rate: 200 to 1000 l/ha.


Canola: 0.25 L/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 L/ha.


Olive: Spray at 1.25 to 2.5 L/ha. Two to three sprays per year between spring and end of autumn. To be applied when problem is apparent. 10 to 14 days between applications. Water rate: 1000 L/ha

Papaya / Paw Paw

Papaya / Paw Paw: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 200 to 600 l/ha.

Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit: 0.25 l/ha. Apply once, pre-flowering only. Water rate: 400 l/ha.


Peach: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.


Pears: 0.5 L/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 L/ha.


Peas: 0.25 L/ha when crop is 10 to 15 cm tall. Water rate: 200 L/ha.


Capsicums (Field Grown)): 0.5 l/ha 35 days after transplanting (4 to 6 leaf stage). Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Persimmons: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.


Pineapple: 0.5 l/ha applied pre-flowering. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum.


Plum: 0.5 l/ha applied after harvest before leaf fall. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.


poppy: One to three applications of 0.25 l/ha at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing once there is adequate leaf cover to intercept the spray, and continuing up to the start of flowering. Water rate: 20-200 l/ha.


Raspberry: 0.5 l/ha applied early in the season before the start of flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Rice: 0.5 l/ha applied at start of tillering. Water rate: 200 l/ha

Soil application

Soil Application: All crops: Up to 4 L/ha. Water rate: 50 L/ha minimum.


Sorghum: 0.5 L/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 30-200 L/ha.


Soya Bean: 0.1 litre per 10 litres water (to apply a maximum of 0.5 L/ha) 30 days after 100 % emergence. Where needed a second application at the same rate may be made pre-flowering. Water rate: 20-50 L/ha.


Strawberry (field grown): 0.5 l/ha applied early in the season before the start of flowering. Water rate: 200 to 400 l/ha.


Sugar Cane: 0.5L/ha applied when the cane is 30 - 120cm tall, repeat 10 - 14 days later. Water Rate: 150L/ha.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato: 0.5 l/ha one week after 100% emergence or transplanting. Also, apply at the same rate following recommendation from analysis. Water rate: 200 l/ha.

Amenity Turf

Turf: 0.5 L/ha as soon as growth commences in spring and/or following identification of need by analysis. Repeat sprays at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 200 L/ha.

Water Melon

Water Melon (Field Grown): 0.5 l/ha 35 days after emergence (4 to 6 leaf stage). Water rate: 200 l/ha.